We greatly appreciate every gift, regardless of size. Your generosity contributes to creating more opportunities for the most underprivileged through higher education, transforming the lives of hundreds of students, their families, and communities. Every time you help support a student, you empower them and their family to build a more equitable and brighter future without leaving their community behind, which helps to address the root of the problem.
In 2011, the UPAEP University Foundation Board of Directors established an agreement with the Communities Foundation of Oklahoma (CFO), a prestigious organization, to create the UPAEP Administrative Fiscal Sponsorship Fund as a permanent component of CFO, and the UPAEP Foundation Endowment Fund, which is an invested, permanent fund held by the Communities Foundation of Oklahoma (CFO), a 501(c)(3) publicly supported charity, Federal Tax ID 73-1396320.
This agreement was made to support the charitable goals of the UPAEP University Foundation, with the intent that CFO closely oversees the fund’s use to ensure alignment with the donor’s intentions.